Posted on October 06 2017
Here are thirteen images that prove our point
We’re fans of virtually all succulents, and are loathe to pick favorites, but there are agaves, those New World swordsmen, that tempt us to pick sides. We’re also fortunate here at Altman in that we at least get to lay eyes, if not always hands, on some non-garden-variety specimens...species that we enthusiasts cannot reliably find at our favorite nurseries or garden centers any and every weekend. That said ...
... it’s not rarity or collectability that drives our passion for agaves. No sir. It’s the take-no-prisoners toughness of an Agave parryi (Parry's agave). The dense symmetry of an Agave potatorum (butterfly agave). The white lines of an Agave victoria-reginae (Queen Victoria agave). The seductive curves of an Agave attenuata (fox tail agave). We’re completely and utterly bewitched by the charms of any number of hybrids and cultivars, from ‘Blue Flame’ to ‘Blue Glow’. And the variegated forms...that's a special category of mind-altering amazement.
Stay tuned for a more detailed article in the near future. For now, though, we’ll whet your appetite with some gorgeous pixels.

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