Posted on October 13 2017

In monstrose specimens, each of those growth tips behaves as if it were the primary point. The result is messy, lumpy, monster-like growth. Cristates look more neat and symmetrical in comparison. Plants can exhibit mutated and regular growth at the same time. Crests and monstrose growth are unpredictable; no two are precisely alike. That goes for plants of the same species. While we are not going to dive into the topic of cultivation here, those wanting to propagate their ornamental mutants can attempt to do so via cuttings, particularly those that include the abnormal growth. Propagation steps do differ a bit with these plants. The author of this article recommends that cuttings of crested cacti be grafted for best results. Lots of different examples of mutated succulents can be viewed in this piece.
So whether you incorporate your little monsters into your Halloween celebrations or not, we trust you love and cherish them just the same as you do your normal, “non-rule-breaking” succulents. These lovable freaks add to the amazing variety of succulent plants available to gardeners and collectors. It's conceivable that one could possess, in addition to a beautiful, non-mutant specimen, a monstrose form of it, a crested version, and — why not — a variegated cristate type too. Our online retail shop regularly harbors monsters and cristates such as the five below. For online wholesale customers, we offer trays of assorted crested cacti and assorted monster cacti at The Cactus Shop. Euphorbia flanaganii cristata 'Green Coral': Native to South Africa, this is one of the “medusoids," or plants forming a central basal caudex with arms arising from the basal area. This is the cristate form of E. flanaganii, which forms deep emerald green fan-shaped stems that resemble green coral. Retail link. Mammillaria gracilis v. fragilis monstrose ‘Arizona Snowcap’: A monster cultivar of the charming miniature Mammillaria gracilis fragilis. It features thimble-shaped bodies to 1.5 inches in height with tufts of snow-white spines and wool at the areoles. Satiny, creamy yellow flowers come in late winter. Retail link. Mammillaria elongata cristata ‘Copper King’: It’s known as the brain cactus because of its unusual growth, giving the appearance of, yeah, brains. Very attractive, with undulating fans covered in dense coppery orange spines. Retail link.
Opuntia microdasys monstrose: This paddle cactus is known as crazy bunny ears, an undulated form of regular ol’ bunny ears. It’s covered with minute golden spines known as glochids, which can cause irritation to the skin and eyes. Retail link. Opuntia (Austrocylindropuntia) vestita cristata: Native to Bolivia, this cactus forms rounded stems in clusters that are densely covered with beautiful white hair. Vivid magenta flowers to 1 inch in diameter. Retail link.
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