Posted on June 16 2017
Tree options for succulent gardens are many. We look at five:
Summer has arrived, which has us thinking of shade and the coming moments when we will be fleeing for cover from an oppressive sun. At the same time, feeling compelled to seek refuge indoors is not particularly desirable. Do you have any cool or cool-ish zones in your succulent garden? Or, if not some majestic, light-blocking tree canopy, areas where more wispy specimens soften the sun’s impact for your fleshy leaved light lovers? [caption id="attachment_6815" align="alignleft" width="458"]
Provided you have room or can make some, it’s never too late to throw some shade onto the landscape or patio — and, by the way, our “throwing shade” has zero to do with the “insulting someone” version. Appropriate choices generally come down to aesthetics, function, and ecology. Will the tree fit into the look of a space filled with kalanchoes, crassulas, sedums, and cacti? Will it benefit its neighbors? Does it have similar water and soil preferences? Gardeners looking to make their habitat hospitable to succulents that want minimal direct sun/heat may desire a bigger tree with dense or dense-ish foliage. Bright-light-craving succulents, though, would prefer a more airy companion that takes just enough of the afternoon edge off.
Keep in mind that your special space will change as the tree grows and fills out. And, of course, it takes years to realize full impact. With those variables in mind, let’s get to some tree ideas already.
Hercules tree aloe (Aloe ‘Hercules’) Dragon tree will just have to settle for the top photo, because we couldn’t resist sticking a tree aloe on this list. True to its name, this hybrid is a vigorous grower, eventually hitting 30 feet and boasting thick, sculptured stems and triangular, blue-gray-to-green leaves. You shouldn’t have to sell anyone on this tough guy being suitable for a garden of succulents and cacti. Naturally, use it to add height and a dramatic silhouette effect. It’s also quite hardy. Mammillaria species should match up well, especially the woolly white ones.
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Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Because everyone needs to snack at least a little, are we right? Or maybe you can take up making authentic grenadine from scratch. This shrub to small tree is here, though, because it’s adapted to areas with cool winters and hot summers and is not fond of humidity. And the flowers absolutely rock. While pomegranates are drought and heat tolerant, fruiting will suffer without irrigation during hot spells. The plant can handle most soils and can reach a rounded 20 to 30 feet.
That is but an introduction to a quintet of possible tree selections for your succulent garden — a springboard for developing a deeper understanding before planting a tree or three. Yanking out failures and starting over is no fun.