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Holiday Decor Contest

Holiday Decor Contest

How to enter

Win trio of succulents

We enjoy sharing our succulent craftiness on social media and the blog, but now we want to see yours! How exactly? Well, we are launching our DIY Holiday Decor Contest. We know there’s an amazingly creative minds and hands out there and we want to highlight and celebrate that talent within our virtual community of plant people.

Here’s how to enter. Find us on your favorite social media platform, as long as it’s Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. Send us a photo, by Dec. 31, showcasing your holiday-style DIY magic with succulents. It can be pretty much any DIY-style holiday-themed project, just as long as it involves succulents.

We will be guided by a fairly broad interpretation of what it means to be holiday-themed.

For example, if you want to create a table centerpiece that will fit nicely at your family’s holiday feast, it need not incorporate, say, a Santa Claus motif to qualify as a holiday centerpiece.

The deadline to enter is Dec. 31.


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